Taking stock
In one week I'm gonna finishing my one year European Solidarity Corps project. It's been a weird year, with the Covid Pandemic and everything, but all things considered has been a great year to me. I've learned a lot: about Menorca, about Spain, about Spanish and Catalan, about not formal education, and expecially about myself. I feel changed, I feel different from when I arrived here, grown up, more confident and peaceful. The quarantine and the global health emergency were painful and difficult but they contributed to my work of self-analysis and introspection. And all in all, this island is not so a bad place where to spend a quarantine: here the cases have always been fews and the nature offers a lot of outside activities that can be done without risk. So, even if I didn't have the opportunity of living a "regular" year as European Solidarity Coprs Volunteer here, I'm still happy of my choice and plenty satisfied with the experience.
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